Quantcast Vegetarian StarMario Batali Takes Vegetable Challenge

Mario Batali Takes Vegetable Challenge

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 12th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Carnivale du Vin Las Vegas

Mario Batali was given a vegetable challenge and he took it!

Food and Wine asked Batali to create three recipes featuring vegetables and to pair those meals with appropriate wines.

Batali hinted that he not only enjoyed the task, but personally feels vegetables should be the center of the meal.

“Protein has been intensely over-represented on the plate,” Batali said and added that the main course should be primarily from the “garden.”

Of course any seasoned vegetarian knows protein can be both represented on the plate and from the garden, given the numerous sources of plant proteins like chickpeas and beans.

One of Batali’s star vegetables was grilled asparagus with red pepper zabaglione, paired with a fruity Tuscan red wine.

Now you know asparagus can be paired with red wine, but can peas be paired as well?

Visit Food and Wine to find out.

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