Quantcast Vegetarian StarPhil Ivey Takes Vegetarian Bet From Tom Dwan

Phil Ivey Takes Vegetarian Bet From Tom Dwan

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 8th, 2010 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

WSOP No-Limit Texas Hold' em World Championship

Phil Ivey might be requesting black bean burgers during his next poker tournament.

Ivey accepted a challenge from Tom Dwan not to eat any meat or fish for an entire year in exchange for a million dollars.

“I’m going to become a vegetarian for a year for a million dollars,” Ivey told High Stakes Poker cohost, Kara Scott. “I was thinking about doing it for a while, so this is kind of like an added incentive.”

Another source says Ivey tried to ask for $2 million, but eventually settled on one.

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3 Responses to “Phil Ivey Takes Vegetarian Bet From Tom Dwan”

  1. James Says:

    Not worth it.

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