Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachael Ray Confesses Too Much Burger Love–South Beach Festival

Rachael Ray Hosts The Burger Bash

Time caught up with Rachael Ray at her burger bash at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival, where an “exclusive” chat took place.

“I don’t think I have enough words to declare my love for the burger. I know you always take pains to say hamburgers because you’re a purist. But I think you can make anything you want into a burger. I love tuna burgers, veal burgers, beef burgers.”

Rachael’s no vegetarian, but that’s more burger than even a health conscious flexitarian can handle.

Makes one wonder if any meaty sensational conspiracies were involved.

Vegetarian Star thinks Rachael was interrupted just before she added, “I really, really, really love Texturized Vegetable Protein burgers.”

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One Response to “Rachael Ray Confesses Too Much Burger Love–South Beach Festival”

  1. rachael Says:

    of course rachael ray loves burgers who doesnt we all do