Quantcast Vegetarian StarChipotle Expands Vegan Burrito To New York

Chipotle Expands Vegan Burrito To New York

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 6th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Chipotle Shares Double After IPO

After introducing the vegan friendly burrito to the Washington, D.C. area, Chipotle is giving New Yorkers the opportunity to enjoy meatless Mexican.

The Village Voice had a Garden Blend prepared and reported the taste wasn’t quite like seitan, but didn’t have that “creepy texture and weird soy aftertaste of texturized vegetable protein (TVP).”

If you like the creepy texture of TVP, you still might find the Garden Blend enjoyable, especially when you consider the reasonable  price of only about $7 ($10 with guacamole).

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