Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Rachael Ray Show” Must Try Foods Of The Year

“Rachael Ray Show” Must Try Foods Of The Year

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 5th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

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The year 2010 is about a quarter ways through, but it’s never too late to make the decision to eat better.

Rachael Ray featured some “must try” foods for 2010, and one item is both vegetarian and meaty.

An oxymoron? Not quite.

Texturized Vegetable Protein, which can mimic both the look and taste of ground beef, could go well with Shirataki Noodles.

The Noodles are low carb, and are made with tofu.

Rachael’s guest said on the RachaelRayshow website:

When they come out of bag, you just have to rinse off the water they come in and just throw them into a big pot of hot broth with whatever garnishes you want. They don’t need to cook, they’re already cooked, and they never overcook!

These foods may very well forecast  a greener, veggier Rachael Ray for the future.

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One Response to ““Rachael Ray Show” Must Try Foods Of The Year”

  1. Rachael Ray Confesses Too Much Burger Love–South Beach Festival Says:

    […] Vegetarian Star thinks Rachael was interrupted just before she added, “I really, really, really love Texturized Vegetable Protein burgers.” […]