Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Undercover Boss” White Castle Exec Offers Health Solutions

Fast-Food Restaurants Cater To Late-Night Hunger

CBS’ Undercover Boss features the lives of people in executive positions at well known businesses as they attempt to blend in taking entry level positions and working alongside employees.

As expected, the first few days on the jobs don’t always run smoothly.

Dave Rife, owner of White Castle, goes undercover and accidentally ruins batches of hamburger buns.

On a more positive note, Rife suggests to an employee that suffered a heart attack that the company will start a wellness program.

Sounds great, but only if the program rewards the employee with eating less from the job.

A plant based veggie burger is a bigger investment towards reducing health care premiums than access to a company treadmill that the employee will jump off after 30 minutes, only to scarf down several animal fat filled double bacon cheeseburgers at team member price.

Health rewards points are great.

An employee discount card at Whole Foods is even better.

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