Quantcast Vegetarian StarNever Shout Never “Jane Doe” Inspired By Veggie Burger Waitress

Walt Disney Pictures & Buena Vista Records Alice in Wonderland Fan Event

Christofer Ingle of Never Shout Never told Artists Direct how the song “Jane Doe” from the band’s latest album, What Is Love was created.

“I was actually sitting in a Santa Monica restaurant, eating with one of my buddies. There was this beautiful waitress, and I didn’t know her name but she served me an awesome veggie burger. I was like, “I’m going to write her a song, I’m going to go back and play it for her and I’m going to win her heart.” So I went back to my beach house and then started writing this crazy song about a girl named “Jane Doe” because I didn’t know the waitress’s name yet. I never ended up playing it for her though. It was really sad that I chickened out.”

Sad that Christofer didn’t get the girl, but at least he got a good meal.

Was the waitress really that hot or did the veggie burger serve as an aphrodisiac?

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