Quantcast Vegetarian StarJack Hanna “Larry King Live”–Whale Trainers Like Astronauts

Jack Hanna “Larry King Live”–Whale Trainers Like Astronauts

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 26th, 2010 in Animal Issues.

Jack Hanna On Larry King Live

Jack Hanna On Larry King Live

Larry King hosted Jack Hanna and PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk on Larry King Live, where the two got into a heated debate over whether keeping whales like the one that killed SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau, is safe for humans and animals.

Newkirk said the conditions aren’t ideal for the whales and that they are “swimming in their own diluted urine” and she hopes the company is sued.

Hanna said the benefits of learning about whales outweigh the risks and compared the trainers to astronaunts.

“Larry, didn’t our astronauts go up in the space shuttle and we lost them when they came back? It was a terrible thing. They went back up in space, didn’t they? We want to learn from space and help mankind. That’s what SeaWorld does. These are dangerous animals. This young lady sacrificed her life and would be sitting here today saying she’d do it again for the great work she’s done and SeaWorld has done to educate tens of millions of people over the last years.”

Do you agree with Hanna?

Or is there a better way to educate the public than through marine parks like SeaWorld?

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4 Responses to “Jack Hanna “Larry King Live”–Whale Trainers Like Astronauts”

  1. Garrett Cardona Says:

    jack hanna is right these whales were born in captivity they couldnt survive in the wild because they do not know how to hunt because they were hand fed from the moment of birth and they would simply die of starvation

  2. Richard Says:

    I hate to say it , but the truth is out … Jack Hanna is no brighter than the wildlife he puts on display … and probably not nearly as smart as any of the mammals.

  3. Jack Hanna On Nut Case Animal Rights Activists Says:

    […] recently, he and PETA’s president Ingrid Newkirk shared words over the value of holding dolphins captive in places like […]

  4. Tperez66 Says:

    The whale that killed the trainer wasnt born in captivity..and the whale killed before! Not only that, she(the trainer) wasnt even in the water when he grabbed her!HE SNATCHED her ass by the ponytail she was teasing him with,and he did away with her…he is a wild,WILD animal!! No fault of his own! He knew freedom once..where he could catch his own food,not fed dead food,where he could swim a thousand miles,full throttle in a straight line, not in circles..Jack Hanna says this is exploring and preservation,he needs to get his head outta his ass. This is solely for the purpose of entertainment,and its sad. There are other ways to help save these anilmals other than plucking then outta the ocean like education..in this day of high tech world we live in there must be a way to observe these animals in their natural habitat,enforce conservation and educate without putting them in aquariums.