Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlyson Hannigan Organic Garden Supplements Farmers Market

Alyson Hannigan Organic Garden Supplements Farmers Market

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 25th, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Gardening.

Paley Center For Media Celebrates How I Met Your Mother 100th Episode

Alyson Hannigan is quite the locavore.

If she can’t find the produce she wants at the nearby Farmers Market, she’ll go straight to her backyard.

“We go to the farmers market all the time,” she told Mother Nature Network. “We’re putting in an organic garden to grow things I can’t get at the farmers market.”

What does the How I Met Your Mother actress plan to put in her soil?

“We’ll do unusual lettuces and a particular kind of cucumber and a lot of different herbs.”

No pesticides, no fuel used in transport, no worrying about double bagging the produce so your eco-friendly laundry detergent doesn’t accidentally season your red leaf lettuce.

Backyard organic gardening sounds like the way to go!

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