Quantcast Vegetarian StarClaudia Schiffer Organic Pregnancy

Claudia Schiffer Organic Pregnancy

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 24th, 2010 in Flexitarian, Food & Drink, Models.

Mother-to-be Claudia Schiffer at the Elle Style Awards 2010 in London

Flexitarian Claudia Schiffer says she tries to eat more organic foods, a practice that started with her first child.

“During my first pregnancy, I started to eat organically and healthily because that was the first time I actually thought about what I was putting in my body,” she told Celebrity-Babies. “I’m still doing that today and I’m also just taking it easy, not working out too much, just enjoying this time in my life.”

Claudia is expecting her third child.

Claudia told Star Magazine that she tries to eat fruits and vegetables before noon and keeps her lunches with salads and vegetable based soups, saying “lots of meat” makes her tired.

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