Quantcast Vegetarian StarCelebrity Couples Who Love Tofu And Each Other

Celebrity Couples Who Love Tofu And Each Other

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 16th, 2010 in Couples.

Valentine’s Day is over, but if you share the love of all things vegetarian with your partner, the passion lasts 365 meals a year. There are several great vegetarian couples in the media eye.

Here are a few favorites.

Kucinich Announces Presidential Bid For 2008

Dennis Kucinich and Elizabeth Kucinich. Dennis is one of the few vegan politicians (or at least the few who come clean about it) and has been open about how switching to a vegan diet alleviated several health problems. Wife Elizabeth is the public affairs director of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a group that advocates a vegan diet. Premiere Of Fox Searchlight's "(500) Days Of Summer" - Arrivals

Zooey Deschanel and Ben Gibbard

Zooey Deschanel’s vegetarian platter is a little harder than average to create. As the contestants of Top Chef learned, Zooey not only does vegetarian, but needs gluten-free and no soy.  Ben better study up on the cookbooks when he’s not on tour with Death Cab for Cutie.

36th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards - Arrivals

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi

The couple decided to go veg together after a dinner date discussion of the ethics of animals in fashion.
The two were honored by the Humane Society for publicly advocating better treatment of animals.

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