Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Food Inc.” Dispels Myths Of Maid Churned Butter (Audio)

“Food Inc.” Dispels Myths Of Maid Churned Butter (Audio)

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 14th, 2010 in Film & TV, Food & Drink.

food_inc (2)

Jason Solomons at The Guardian‘s Film Weekly interviewed director Robert Kenner and author of Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser to discuss Kenner’s documentary on corporate involvement in mass produced food, Food Inc.

The issue of how people may be unaware of where food comes from or how it is produced was mentioned.

“My country life butter does not come from a small maid churning away?” Solomons asked sarcastically.

Probably not, but Solomons should never give up looking.

A podcast of the discussion can be heard here.

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