Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter NASCAR 50 Most Beautiful People

Leilani Munter NASCAR 50 Most Beautiful People

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 9th, 2010 in Athletes-Games-Sports.

Photo: Phil Cavali

Photo: Phil Cavali

Sporting News magazine is featuring one of NASCAR’s 50 Most Beautiful People, Leilani Munter.

Leilani is famous for her motto, “Never underestimate a vegetarian hippie chick with a racecar.”

Leilani set a goal to make what some would call one of the most environmentally unfriendly sports green.

Her goal is to power her racecar to speeds at 200mph with biofuel and take those dangerous curves on the track with recycled tires.

She’s placed recycling bins at the track and frequently speaks out about the benefits a vegetarian diet has on the environment.

She also maintains a blog containing earth friendly ideas and education.

Oh,  yeah, there’s also her racing history.

From Sporting News:

“Munter has been racing since 2001 and last year became the fourth woman in history to race in the then-Indy Pro Series, the development league of Indy-Car. Prior to running in the then-Indy Pro Series, she spent six years in stock car racing, earning 19 top-10 finishes and nine top-five finishes in 39 starts. In 2004, Munter also set the record at Texas Motor Speedway for the highest finish for a female driver at the 1.5-mile speedway with a fourth-place showing.”

Did you know she’s also a master at battling the chocolate war?

During an interview, Vegetarian Star learned she never craves sweets.

Now you really have a reason to be jealous.

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