Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah Palin Moose Meat Franchise Opportunity

Sarah Palin Moose Meat Franchise Opportunity

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 8th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Humor, Not So Vegetarian, Politicians.

Palin addresses the Tea Party

As mentioned before, The Record reported that a man named Andrew Hunt will be writing weekly letters to Sarah Palin, sharing the benefits of a vegan lifestyle and recipes.

A writer at Slashfood heard this news and unfortunately, doesn’t agree with Hunt’s vegetarian agenda and suggests Sarah use her entrepreneurial spirit to profit from a lifestyle of loving meat.

Specifically, moose meat.

In his “letter” to Palin, he writes:

“I am writing to you, because I think a chain of patriotic restaurants inspired by your persona is exactly what this country needs, featuring an underrated ingredient that you have actually hunted. Delicious, lean, gamey moose”

“Imagine: a franchise of affordable restaurants with you as their spokes-governor — Sarah’s Moose Hut! Or International House of Moose! TGIMoose?”

“That’s right. Moose burgers. Moose stew. Moose cakes. Moose dumplings. Moose loaf. Moose kabobs. Moose casserole. Moose and potatoes. Moose lo mein. Moose tacos. The mind boggles.”

While The Veg Star can’t agree with ethics of the aforementioned business plan, in the true spirit of capitalism, International House of Moose would be Palin’s right to pursue.

One would hope she would at least meet a vegan halfway and offer faux breaded moose wings (deep fried in vegetable oil separately from the real thing) on the TGIMoose menu.

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