Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah Palin Urged To Go Vegan By Waterloo Professor Andrew Hunt

Palin addresses the Tea Party

Sarah Palin has a new pen pal, but it’s not one she might not write back to.

According to The Record, Andrew Hunt, a history professor at the University of Waterloo, has written the former Republican vice presidential candidate a letter, urging her to consider the benefits of veganism–both for people and animals. He even plans to throw in a few recipes.

But he’s not stopping at one note.

Hunt plans to write a letter every week, for the next year. Or at least until the restraining order is issued.

“I intend to send them to her very religiously,” Hunt said. “I intend to persuade her that this is a much better. I tend to write them as if I’m sitting at the dinner table with her.”

Of course, no vegan would ever voluntarily sit at the dinner table with Palin, given her attitudes about animals as food, as evident in her book, Going Rogue, when she wrote, “I always remind people from outside our state that there’s plenty of room for all Alaska’s animals — right next to the mashed potatoes.”

Still Hunt insists he will play the nice guy.

“I understand why (Palin) loves meat. I ate it most of my life,” he said. “I’m trying to set a very respectful tone toward meat eaters.”

“All my life I have loved animals, but I was living in ignorance and not really aware of the suffering caused by my choices,” Hunt  added. “I’m not saying people should stop drinking milk or eating meat. All I’m asking is they think about the consequences of those decisions.”

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One Response to “Sarah Palin Urged To Go Vegan By Waterloo Professor Andrew Hunt”

  1. Sarah Palin Moose Meat Franchise Opportunity Says:

    […] mentioned before, The Record reported that a man named Andrew Hunt will be writing weekly letters to Sarah Palin, […]