Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Celebrity Big Brother”–Sisqo Gives Heidi Fleiss Thumbs Up

Celebrity Big Brother - Celebrities Enter The House

This season’s Celebrity Big Brother received a thumbs down for furnishing the house with fur rugs and leather couches.

But on a recent episode of the show, the residents were turned into senior citizens in the Last Legs Old People’s Home and given the task of completing an obstacle course called the Klapped Out Factor, based on the quiz show, The Krypton Factor.

One part of the challenge was a “bobbing for apples” like task, where contestants had to grab dumplings from a bowl of stew.

The dumplings were said to be vegetarian.

Heidi Fleiss got a compliment from Sisqo on a job well done, even though she broke the bowl trying so hard.

Was he just kissing up because he wanted to see her thong?

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