Quantcast Vegetarian StarTravis Fran Healy Pays Paul McCartney Vegetarian Royalties

Travis Performs At The Wiltern

When Paul McCartney agreed to perform on TravisFran Healy‘s solo album, Healy paid McCartney back in a gift worth more than a million dollar record contract.

Healy, his wife and one year old son have all turned vegetarian, the singer wrote on his blog, according to The Guardian.

“Nora [Healy’s wife] and I were sitting and thinking of a thank-you present and I suggested going vegetarian. Our son is already one, so it would mean we would all be on the same boat. I met Paul at his show in Berlin and told him what we wanted to do. He was visibly flabbergasted. Three days later the FedEx man delivered three Linda McCartney [vegetarian] cook books.”

Healy says he doesn’t miss his old diet and enjoyed hummus this past Christmas.

“I haven’t had any longing for meat or fish yet.”

It’s fantastic that Healy made a decision that’s better for the health of his family.

Sure  hope he keeps it up.

Going back to cheeseburgers may be a breach of contract worth years of court time over intellectual property.

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