Quantcast Vegetarian StarRichard Gere Wants Vegetarian Bodh Gaya

Richard Gere Wants Vegetarian Bodh Gaya

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 8th, 2010 in Actors, Food & Drink.

Richard Gere recently arrived in Bodh Gaya in Bihar to attend a 5 day discourse on Buddhism and has met with the Dalai Lama, according to Thaindian News.

Gere has expressed an interest in making the city more vegetarian friendly to appeal to both residents and tourists.

“I am strongly in favour of turning Bodh Gaya into a vegetarian zone,” Gere said.

Wednesday evening he participated in a march organized by Tibetans for Vegetarian Society, urging others in the city to turn to a vegetarian lifestyle.

“Gere’s support to our cause will definitely create awareness and mobilize support of locals as well as tourists from abroad in making Bodh Gaya a vegetarian zone,” Tenzin Kunga Luding of Tibetans for Vegetarian Society said.

Tibetans for Vegetarian Society asks people to abstain from buying, selling, or consuming any form of meat during their pilgrimage tour in the holy land.

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