Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Goode Family” Returns To Comedy Central

“The Goode Family” Returns To Comedy Central

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 6th, 2010 in Film & TV, Pop Culture.


Che the vegan dog will once again get to cheat on his diet by eating the stray neighborhood pets.

The Goode Family has returned to television, this time on Comedy Central instead of ABC.

What killed the recycling, veg eating, tree hugging, liberal family?

Big balls, according to Joe Hipps, vice president of TV production at Media Rights Capital.

“Its lead-in was ‘Wipeout,’ a game show with big red balls throwing people into the water,” Hipps said. “And then you’re going into a talky animated show? It never had a chance.”

Much like those poor alley cats never stood a chance when Che got a craving for something other than textured soy dog biscuits.

Wait. Stop joking about that. It’s only a little bit funny.

Now that The Goode Family is on the same cable television station home to the bad boys of  South Park, the family might have the opportunity to get a little dirtier–and that doesn’t mean tending to the organic vegetables in the backyard.

“Even though they were very professional about it, the censorship standards on ABC are very tight,” said John Altschuler, one of executive producers of the show, who said the team received a few dings, what some would call censorship. “You can do an awful lot about sex, but not about political thought. You can’t deal with race at all.”

Looking forward to seeing The Goode Family biking through town at 10PM Mondays on Comedy Central, opening their mouths and offending nearly everyone while reminding them to compost.

via latimes.com

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