Quantcast Vegetarian StarSea Shepherd Bob Barker Ship Joins Whale Wars

Sea Shepherd Bob Barker Ship Joins Whale Wars

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 6th, 2010 in Animal Issues.

2008 Summer TCA Tour - Day 3

Bob Barker has always been outspoken on animal welfare issues, but has he joined Captain Paul Watson and the rest of the Sea Shepherd crew to thwart the whalers in the Southern Ocean?

Not quite (but hey, there’s always next season).

The Bob Barker is the latest ship to partake in the Sea Shepherd mission off the Adelie Coast.

The ship was refurbished thanks to a $5 million dollar donation by none other than Mr. Price is Right himself.

Check out the photo of Bob Barker (the ship) at tmz.com!

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