Quantcast Vegetarian Star“MTV Real World”–Who Would You (The Vegan Edition)

It’s been years since the original MTV Real World cast member Eric Nies took off his shirt and enticed the ladies (and maybe the gentlemen) with his ripped abs.

Nies went on to become a vegan life coach.

Now, Callie from Texas on Real World XXIII, a female young enough to be Nies’ daughter is already ahead of the game, proudly announcing she’s already taken the road less traveled by cattle.

Would a vegan have even come out of the closet on MTV over a decade ago?

Between the two Real World stars, who would you rather do…

MTV Real World XXIII Washington, D.C. Callie-the vegan from Texas.

MTV Real World XXIII Washington, D.C. Callie-the vegan from Texas.



Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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One Response to ““MTV Real World”–Who Would You (The Vegan Edition)”

  1. Rad_Rosa89 Says:

    I love Callie!!
    I hope to be the next vegan on their show!