Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood 250 Calorie Pizza Recipe–“Self Magazine”

Carrie Underwood arrives at the 37th American Music Awards in Los Angeles

You already learned Carrie Underwood likes to chow down on Quorn faux meat products before performing.

But did you know the country music vegetarian beauty also likes to indulge in pizza?

Carrie admits she can’t get enough of the dairy dealer and she told SELF magazine in 2007, “My food indulgences are pizza, and I love… cheese. I have a big problem controlling myself with the cheese.”

Two years later she’s giving SELF readers a recipe for a healthier pizza, with low fat cheese.

You can make it healthy AND vegan by topping it with a non dairy cheese like Follow Your Heart or Teese.

Grab the ingredients for Carrie’s 250 Calorie Pizza after the jump…

1 Flatout wrap with 1/4 cup sauce
1/2 cup fat-free or 2% cheese
lots of veggies

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