Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Top Chef” Finalist Carla Hall Cauliflower Vegetable Soup (Recipe)

2009 Fresh Air Fund Salute To American Heroes

Top Chef finalist Carla Hall was scared to death of making a vegetarian dish for the judges during the reality TV show competition, but thankfully, she’s being a little braver now that the heat isn’t so intense in the kitchen.

NPR gave Carla the challenge of cooking something using a seasonal vegetable and Carla chose cauliflower.

Unfortunately, Carla also chose to put chicken stock in the original recipe, but she says vegetarians can substitute either vegetable stock or almond milk.

Carla allowing substitutions in her soup explains her stance on following recipes.

“You just have to be present, and let the process be a little organic and not be so rigid with the recipe, because you have to feel it. For instance, if I’m doing this soup in season it’s going to taste totally differently than it would if it’s not in season. You have to honor the produce; maybe you have to add something else in it.”

You can listen to Carla talking to NPR while making her soup and grab the recipe for Cream Of Cauliflower Soup With Roasted Cauliflower Florets, Toasted Walnuts And Brown Butter at npr.org.

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