Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlexa Chung Brings Faux Fur Back

Alexa Chung Brings Faux Fur Back

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 24th, 2009 in Fur.

The 37th International Emmy Awards Gala - Arrivals

The Mirror reports that several celebrities are jumping on the faux fur bandwagon and Alexa Chung may be the trendsetter to thank, due to her taking an interest in faux leopard print fur.

Thank goodness Alexa’s into not wearing the hide of animals, even if they are the animals that she hates.

But should vegetarians and even meat eating animal lovers be sporting fake fur?

Respect For Animals representatives insist that wearing faux fur will, “keep alive the idea that wearing fur is acceptable and fashionable, when it is neither”.

Perhaps faux wearing folks should come with a name tag that reads, “I’m a phony.”

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One Response to “Alexa Chung Brings Faux Fur Back”

  1. My2cents Says:

    It’s 19 degrees outside so a faux fur is a MUST. Nothing else is warm enough except for down which is just as bad as real fur so faux furs are a good alternative. I’m sorry but I am not freezing to death because of someone else’s extremism.