Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Neal Barnard New Year’s Resolution Tip–Use The V Word

Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Neal Barnard


Who wants to think about New Year’s Resolutions before the holiday season is over?

Unfortunately, if you’ve been on the Thanksgiving to Christmas diet and stuffing yourself with every cookie invented, it may be time to start thinking how to drop the 10 pounds even vegan desserts will ultimately put on the belly.

Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine, has offered a few tips at the Huffington Post and of course the pres of an organization that promotes a vegan diet recommends the V word.

“Abundant research has shown that the more vegetarian meals people eat, the easier time they have maintaining a healthy weight. And the most powerful meals are vegan. In May, researchers at Loma Linda University published results of a study of nearly 61,000 Americans. Vegans were the thinnest, meat-eaters were the heaviest, and fish-eaters and ovo-lacto-vegetarians were between the two. People who switch to a vegan diet typically lose about a pound a week–and this prescription for weight loss doesn’t require portion control or calorie-counting. A meatless diet also helps reduce the risk of heart disease, type two diabetes, and some cancers.”

Read what other tips Dr. Barnard gives at huffingtonpost.com.

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