Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoss Stone Might Serve Roasted Nut Loaf This Christmas

Joss Stone Might Serve Roasted Nut Loaf This Christmas

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 22nd, 2009 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Imagine There's No Hunger - Gig

Joss Stone has been hiding for a few years, but finally she’s back with a brand new album, Colour Me Free, released this fall.

Obviously, this meant lots of press interviews, song writing and revising and time spent in the recording studio, but Joss still found time to enjoy the holidays with her family.

Although Joss’ family is veg like her, she admits she’d make a meaty meal if a carnivorous friend came over.

“Roasted nut loaf,” she said of what she serves for the holidays. “I’m a vegetarian, although I’d serve turkey if anybody wanted it.”

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