Sean Kingston Anti-Chain PETA Ad Goes To The Dogs (Video)
Written by Vegetarian Star on December 21st, 2009 in Animal Issues, Male Singers, Videos.

Sean Kingston for PETA
Sean Kingston has donated his face and time to a PETA campaign against chaining dogs.
The tagline, “Chill With Your Dogs, Never Chain Them,” may be catchy, but Sean is hoping the message behind the phrase will stick too.
“Look at it like being a human person. You’re family member is outside with no room to scoot, without a place to stay … that’s how they should look at it,” he says. “A lot of people should just think about: if that was them.”
Sean likes to chill with his dog Sunshine.
According to PETA, chained dogs are more likely to suffer illnesses from being exposed to harsh weather conditions and become vicious after constant confinement.
Watch the video for more on what Sean has to say about caring for dogs.
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