Quantcast Vegetarian Star“DC Vegan” “Compassion Over Killing” December Fundraisers

DC Vegan Compassion Over Killing

DC Vegan Compassion Over Killing

For the month of December, DC Vegan is hosting fundraisers for the D.C. vegetarian and animal welfare group, Compassion Over Killing.

The holiday season is about giving, and there’s no better way to give back than to promote a cruelty-free and healthier lifestyle for everyone by helping COK raise money to promote vegetarian education and awareness.

Three events are still on the agenda for December, including the Save the Date: COK’s Annual Holiday Fundraising Party!, COK Benefit at Sticky Fingers Bakery and COK Benefit at Java Green.

The goal is to raise $1,000 dollars for the month.

For more information on DC Vegan’s efforts, visit dcvegan.com.

To learn more about Compassion Over Killing, visit cok.net.

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