Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoanna Krupa PETA Ad Angers The Catholic League (Photo)

Joanna Krupa PETA Ad Angers The Catholic League (Photo)

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 2nd, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Joanna Krupa "Be An Angel For Animals" PETA

Joanna Krupa "Be An Angel For Animals" PETA

Oh, boy.

PETA can’t let a month go by without making controversy with naked people and/or sex and Joanna Krupa‘s latest ad, complementing her last Be An Angel For Animals poster, is stirring up conversation.

The Catholic League isn’t too happy about Joanna’s use of the cross when talking about sex, but Joanna has reassured officials that it’s just puppy dog love.

“It’s understandable that the Catholic League is wary of another sex scandal, but the sex we’re talking about pertains to dogs and cats,” Joanna said in a statement.

“As a practicing Catholic, I am shocked that the Catholic League is speaking out against my PETA ads, which I am very proud of. I’m doing what the Catholic Church should be doing, working to stop senseless suffering of animals, the most defenseless of god’s creation.”

Hopefully, Catholics will come to appreciate Joanna’s push to protect all of creation.

Let just hope she never wears that outfit to worship services.

via eonline.com

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2 Responses to “Joanna Krupa PETA Ad Angers The Catholic League (Photo)”

  1. Metatron Says:

    She’s purely beautiful! I always wonder why Catholic Church feels that a beautiful woman is so offensive. I guess they’d rather have a fat ugly guy doing that instead. hehe

  2. PETA Asks Wisconsin Nuns To Go Vegan–Will It Affect Their Bone Health? Says:

    […] the sisters have forgotten about that naked Joanna Krupa and the cross ad for pet adoption that angered the Catholic […]