Quantcast Vegetarian StarJenna Ushkowitz Smaller Carbon Footprint With Tofurky

Jenna Ushkowitz Smaller Carbon Footprint With Tofurky

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 29th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

arriving at the 2009 US Weekly Hot Hollywood Party

Still enjoying the leftovers from Thanksgiving?

Glee star Jenna Ushkowitz more than likely enjoyed a Tofurky loaf she told JustJared.com her mom planned to make.

Besides making homemade stuffing, Jenna said her family usually goes to Disney World and eats at the Grand Floridian.

Maybe she’ll pick up some of Minnie Mouse’s antibiotic and hormone free eggs.

As far as making the vegetarian switch, Jenna said, “I’d always wanted to do it. I am trying to have a smaller carbon footprint.”

It’s a small footprint after all. It’s a small footprint after all.

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