Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnna Paquin Stephen Moyer Living Vegan Frugal Hippie Life

Anna Paquin Stephen Moyer Living Vegan Frugal Hippie Life

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 29th, 2009 in Actresses, Couples, Food & Drink.

Nylon Magazine Party in West Hollywood

Women’s Day recently featured a wedding dress wrapped Anna Paquin on the cover with rumored details about her big day with True Blood co-star Stephen Moyer.

A source told the mag Anna and Stephen are living a frugal life in Venice Beach, LA that includes lots of healthy veggie food that you might expect to find in California.

“It’s all very hippie with vegan food, jogging, cycling and surfing,” the source said.

Anna is a rumored vegetarian, so hopefully the life is suiting the soon to be bride well.

Wonder if she almost lost her veggie lunch after taking a whiff of the meat tree on the True Blood set?

via yahoo.com

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One Response to “Anna Paquin Stephen Moyer Living Vegan Frugal Hippie Life”

  1. Sara Says:

    She’s not a vegetarian anymore. This was revealed by Stephen in an interview recently.