Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Vegetarian Thanksgiving (Recipe)

Martha Stewart Vegetarian Thanksgiving (Recipe)

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 23rd, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Recipes.

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Martha Stewart recently featured a vegetarian Thanksgiving episode on her cooking show.

In case you didn’t know, Martha’s daughter, Alexis , has been a longtime veg and activist.

Growing up, Martha and her family raised their own livestock and after Alexis realized the animals on the farm were the same ones on her plate, she decided to veg out.

Could Martha have spent her time crafting these dishes to please Alexis while she was growing up?

Martha’s “Hearty Vegetarian Thanksgiving” menu can be found on her website and features delish sounding recipes like Celery Root, Persimmon, and Swiss Chard “Stuffing”, Vegetarian Mushroom Gravy, and a vegetarian “loaf” featuring beans and nuts.

Email these to the chef in charge of Thanksgiving dinner with your crowd this year and ensure no more “vegetarian” stuffing with chicken broth when you sit down at the table.

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