Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart “The Rachael Ray Show” Why Alexis Went Veg

Martha Stewart “The Rachael Ray Show” Why Alexis Went Veg

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 12th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Martha Stewart on Rachael Ray Show

Martha Stewart on Rachael Ray Show

Martha Stewart was set to appear on The Rachael Ray Show today to dispel rumors the two are kitchen divas in competition and discuss both of their love for cooking.

Topics of discussion included Martha’s favorite type of music (rap, yo) and why her daughter Alexis Stewart, is a vegetarian.

“Well what I think one of the catalysts was, we raised our own livestock and we had these sweet little lambs,” Martha explained. “And one day I decided Plantagenet was gonna go, and so I served Plantagenet for dinner, and I told my husband and my daughter that the rare pork chops were cooked perfectly in the French style. And Alexis looked at me and said this is not pork this is Plantagenet isn’t it? That was one reason.”

And no wonder Martha invited Snoop Dogg to her show to make mashed potatoes.

“Oh I like rap! I like rap, we play rap. When you come to the show, you’ll see. You’ll see! Oh yeah. Rap is fabulous, and it’s the liveliest thing for the audience… Rap is big!”

So when is Martha getting jiggy with the tofu like her daughter?

via imnotobsessed.com

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2 Responses to “Martha Stewart “The Rachael Ray Show” Why Alexis Went Veg”

  1. Crystal Says:

    I can’t believe people raise their own livestock (despite that I’ve known it for a while). That is so beyond disturbing.

  2. Joe Says:

    Are you serious!! People raise their own livestock! When you raise your own livestock, you know how the animal is being treated humanely and what the animal is being fed. I should know, I raise my own livestock.