Quantcast Vegetarian StarJones Tofurky & Gravy Soda Benefits PAWS And Vegheads

Jones Tofurky & Gravy Soda Benefits PAWS And Vegheads

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 12th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Business, Food & Drink.

Jones Tofurky And Gravy Soda

Jones Tofurky And Gravy Soda

The Skinny Bitch gals said that “Soda is liquid Satan”, but Jones Tofurky & Gravy Soda may be a little less devilish.

The veggie turkey and gravy flavored product inspired by Tofurky can makes veggie soda drinkers happy and benefit the animal charity PAWS at the same time if the limited edition gift packs are purchased.

Each limited edition gift pack of faux turkey soda includes the following:

— 1 Bottle of Jones Zilch Black Cherry
— 1 Bottle of Jones Zilch Pomegranate
— 1 Bottle of Jones Zilch Vanilla Bean
— 3 Bottles of ToFurkey
— 1 ToFurkey Metal Lunch Box.

Yes! A lunch box!

For every pack sold, $1 will be donated to PAWS, People Helping Animals.

From the makers:

“Some people are crazy for turkey around the holidays… others not so much. For those of you with veggie leanings, Jones teamed up with the good folks at Tofurky® to bring you a meatless option.”

“We created this special soda for all you veg-heads out there. Best served with mashed potatoes and a couple of laughs, we hope you enjoy drinking it as much as we enjoyed making it.”

The cases are available online for $11.99.

Whoever though you could have your meal and drink to the New Year simultaneously.

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