How Silverstein Hooked Up With PETA
Written by Vegetarian Star on November 3rd, 2009 in Animal Issues, Bands.
It’s no secret Silverstein and PETA are buddies.
Not only have the guys participated in PSAs for the animal rights group, they also threw down an eating challenge with KFC’s vegan faux chicken sandwiches when the restaurant first offered them.
Band member Shane Told recently explained to bringbacktheboombox.com how he and the other Silverstein musicians got acquainted with PETA.
“Our whole band is vegetarian. We just happen to all be vegetarians. We didn’t come together, it just happened. It wasn’t something that our band was fueled by; it was just something that we all had in common. I was talking to PETA while they were at a show and I mentioned that we were all vegetarians, they thought that was very rare. They really wanted to work with us so they contacted us. They wanted us to get involved. We don’t mind spreading the word, it’s important to have a table with some information at the shows. That’s how I learned about it originally from going to hard-core shows and seeing their table that explains about fur and vegetarianism, helping people understand it. That’s how it came about.”
Boy meets AR group. They hit it off on the first date. They agree to continue seeing each other.
Yeah, it’s a pretty classic story.
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