Quantcast Vegetarian StarAbbie Cornish Sexiest Vegetarian Creates Press For Animals

Abbie Cornish Sexiest Vegetarian Creates Press For Animals

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 3rd, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

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Abbie Cornish recently spoke with LATimesmagazine.com where she revealed she hopes her title of Australia’s Sexiest Vegetarian will help her spread the news about animal rights.

Q: You were named by PETA as one of Australia’s sexiest vegetarians, and clearly you love animals. Does promoting “sexy vegetarianism” do anything to bring attention to animal rights?

A: Anytime anyone asks me that, I cross my fingers and think, I hope so. It creates press, and people who might not usually read about animal rights might take a look. It’s crazy, but I guess that’s the world we live in.

Abbie has already mentioned she’s always wanted to work with animals.

Could looking hot be the key to making change in the world?

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