Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Keys “The Barber’s Daughter” Jewelry And Vegan Cake

Gisèle Theriault "The Barber's Daughter" and Alicia Keys

Gisèle Theriault "The Barber's Daughter" and Alicia Keys

Gisèle Theriault took her passion for crafting jewelry and turned it into a profitable business, The Barber’s Daughter.

It all started when Theriault met Alicia Keys backstage at a concert when she was just starting to operate the business.

Keys liked the jewelry so much, she helped spread the news and not only is Oprah Winfrey wearing her bling, but she has five employees and the same publicist as Keys.

But is the Barber’s Daughter also a vegan daughter?

From macleans.ca:

“A few days before the Black Ball, Theriault sat in the sun-splashed kitchen of her home—a three-storey semi that doubles as the headquarters for her company, the Barber’s Daughter—and served a slice of vegan pumpkin pie and empowering tea.”

Theriault’s collections includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and watches.

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