Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Can “Play On” After Accidentally Eating Chicken

2nd Annual ACM Honors - Show

Carrie Underwood interviewed with Chicago Country Radio US 99.5 to discuss her life, her boyfriend, and her new album, Play On.

US 99.5: When was the last time you had a piece of meat?

Carrie: We had a problem like three years ago-I was in the recording studio…We ordered out and I asked the guy if the soup was vegetarian and he said, ‘oh yes, vegetarian, vegetarian’…I got it and there was a piece of chicken in it. But I don’t know if I actually ingested any.

US 99.5: If we could just have a moment of silence for the chicken.

The moment of silence was given.

Have you ever accidentally eaten meat in a pseudo vegetarian dish before?

Listen to Carrie’s entire interview at US99.com.

via carriefans.com

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2 Responses to “Carrie Underwood Can “Play On” After Accidentally Eating Chicken”

  1. The Green Quote: Carrie Underwood Almost Eats Meat – Accidently! « ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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