Quantcast Vegetarian StarKatherine Jenkins Goes Dairy Free For Mezzo Soprano Magnificent

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Not only does Katherine Jenkins try to stick to a vegetarian diet to keep her energy up for her performances, she also avoid dairy, which she feels reduces the presence of catarrh and mucus, two substances that negatively affect the voice.

Along with alcohol and coffee, some sources rank dairy right up  there with things to avoid consuming before giving your Grammy award winning performance.

The Associated Content put it this way:

“It can feel soothing to your voice to drink a large, cool glass of milk, which makes it all the more perplexing that milk is bad for your singing voice. Milk won’t damage your vocal cords, permanently or otherwise, or restrict your vocal range, unless of course it’s really, really cold. What milk will do is create a thick layer of phlegm that will make you sound disgusting. Any dairy product, in fact, has this effect. If you drink dairy before singing, follow it up with a lot of water to wash out some of the phlegm. In a live setting, you’ll get away with it, although you may not be so lucky in a recording studio.”

If you’re a vocal performer, maybe you and the cows can sing better if you just say “No” to milk.

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