Quantcast Vegetarian StarMorrissey Tickets Denny’s Better Burger Offer Bad Combo Meal

Los Premios MTV 2009 - Show

Morrissey is the kind of vegetarian that will fire an employee for biting on a fish sandwich.

So it’s ironic that a ticket sold for one of his upcoming shows comes with a coupon for a free burger, as was discovered and Tweeted by former Reno 911 star Thomas Lennon.

“No joke. My Morrissey Ticketmaster print out tickets come with a COUPON FOR A DENNY’S HAMBURGER. Classy, Ticketmaster,” Lennon Tweeted, supplying the photgraphic evidence here.

Of you didn't believe me -- a death for no reason: on Twitpic

The ticket was purchased for Morrissey’s Dec. 10 performance at the Gibson Amphitheatre.

In defense, Denny’s issued a statement about their veg friendliness including a recent Boca Burger burrito addition to the menu.

“We <3 Moz & vegetarian friends,” they wrote.

via chartattack.com

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