Quantcast Vegetarian StarAmanda Cohen “Dirt Candy” Loves Field Roast Sausages

Amanda Cohen “Dirt Candy” Loves Field Roast Sausages

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 20th, 2009 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink.

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Looking for a brand of vegetarian sausages to add to your faux meat palate?

Amanda Cohen, owner and chef at Dirt Candy in New York City, says Field Roast Sausages do it for her.

“I had pretty much given up on fake meat before I came across Field Roast vegetarian sausages, which are hands-down the best vegetarian sausages out there,” Amanda told lunchboxbunch.com.

Field Roast Sausages come in three varieties, Italian, Mexican Chipotle, and Smoked Apple Sage.

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