Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Schwartzman No Ted Danson For Environmental Activism

Jason Scwartzman attends Fantastic Mr. Fox premiere in London

Jason Schwartzman considers himself an environmentalist, but insists he’s still in awe of Ted Danson‘s eco magic.

“I have solar panels on my house for my pool and I’m a very adamant recycler. I have a Prius. I’ve been a vegetarian for a long time. But I’m not Ted,” Jason told mnn.com about his Bored To Death co-star.

Jason took lessons from Ted about ocean conservation.

“Every little bit helps,” he added.

Jason should give himself more credit just for following the veg life.

According to a UN report, it takes 8,449 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef versus 60 gallons of water required to produce a pound of potatoes, or 108 or 168 gallons of water needed to produce a pound of wheat or corn.

Jason’s helping to save the planet every time he opens his mouth to take a bite!

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2 Responses to “Jason Schwartzman No Ted Danson For Environmental Activism”

  1. Nina Says:

    Ted Danson isn’t even a vegetarian, is he? So if not being a meat eater is the biggest way to be an environmentalist, Jason’s way ahead of the game, regardless of his solar panels and recycling. OF course, those help.

  2. Bobby Nguyen Says:

    Ted Danson has said that he follows a mostly vegan diet, though he does occasionally eat fish.