Quantcast Vegetarian StarCRO-MAGS John Joseph “Meat Is For Pussies” Book

"Meat is for Pussies" John Joseph

"Meat is for Pussies" John Joseph

CRO-MAGS frontman John Joseph is set to release another book, Meat Is For Pussies.

“I’ve been a vegetarian/vegan for close to 30 years,” Joseph told Noisecreep.com. “It’s what keeps me healthy enough to play the music I play live, which is very physical music.”

Meat Is For Pussies will be available through punkhouse.org.

Joseph was motivated to write the book after witnessing several friends fall prey to illness. Plus, the lifestyle turned a would be hardened criminal into a mellow, intelligent artist.

“Getting into yoga, vegetarianism and philosophy saved me from a life of crime. I have also lost a lot of people to cancer, so I just feel obligated to spread the knowledge I have gained in the last 29 years.”

Joseph has already released his autobiography, The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon, about his struggles being moved from foster home to foster home and growing up on the streets of New York City.

With a background like that, John Joseph is anything but a pussy.

via roadrunnnerrecords.com

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20 Responses to “CRO-MAGS John Joseph “Meat Is For Pussies” Book”

  1. Sarah Apple Says:

    I only wish he could have been pro-vegetarian without being incredibly offensive to women.

  2. Liz Forman Says:

    I’m a woman and I don’t believe he’s being offensive to women at all. I don’t believe it’s about offending women but more about pointing out that people that feed on the flesh of the innocent so wantingly are not as manly as they might think….

  3. sama Says:

    Because attacking people for doing what they are genetically hardwired to do is super cool.

  4. Klassy Says:

    If God had wanted us to be vegetarian he’d have made cows out of grass!

  5. Hey You! Says:

    You are really cool Klassy…get a life!

  6. Shira Says:

    I saw the title and it cracked me up – which is great, because humor is the best way for John to reach his target audience and get them to really hear the message. Good luck!

  7. Veg is OK Says:

    There is a place for all of God’s animals, right next to the potatoes.

    PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals

  8. Levi Says:

    Eating meat is natural for humans. You can’t always eat vegetables all the time. You can be healthy that way, but you’ll have no strength, muscle, and you’ll be pooping the wrong way… green diarrhea I guess. If you’re trying to be skinny, that’s a good idea but not all the time. Plus your life will be shorter. If saving animals is worth more than your life then so be it. I don’t judge you. I just don’t think it’s a healthy idea. Eh, I’m 13. What do I care? 😀

  9. Adam Says:

    Levi, you can’t be serious in your statements. How many vegans have you met? Why is it that so many diseases and viruses today are linked to meat-based diets? The human anatomy is that of an herbivore.

    Read up on the food industry and what they put in meat. If the meat doesn’t kill you, the chemicals and poisons that’s added to it will.

    Oh, and ‘Veg is OK’, the ‘People Eating Tasty Animals’ comment doesn’t make you witty at all, it’s way overdone.

  10. Jason Says:


    One could also argue; that if God had wanted us to eat Meat, one of the Ten Commandments would not be Thou Shalt Not Kill, it does not specify any particular thing not to kill, just not to kill full stop.

  11. sara Says:

    With all the problems we are having with food nowadays it’s makes you wonder if we do need to eat differently. The problem that children are having with eating habits, we need to teach children that vegetables are good for you and changing your diet can stop many diseases. I don’t think I could stop eating meat but do try to vary my diet with a vegetarian dish and do feel better for it.

  12. David Lee Says:

    Going vegan is not the cure to all disease. Meat wasn’t the problem for thousands of years and it’s not the problem now. It’s what’s in the meat. Just like it’s what’s on the vegetables, chemicals. It’s what’s being fed the meat. Eating “raised on the range, 100% organic, grass fed, automotively process meat” is some of the most healthy meals that can be available provided you don’t cook it in vegetable oil.

  13. Jamie Fellrath Says:

    I’m going to agree with David Lee to a certain extent. Yes, the stuff in our meat and on our vegetables is partially what’s to blame. The other factor is that our bodies did not evolve to the point we’re at today by eating all the grains that we do. Processed food is what’s killing us – and by processed, I mean foods that come from grains and sugars as well. We should be eating clean, healthy meats, vegetables, some nuts, seeds and fruits, and avoiding foods that our pre-agricultural ancestors didn’t eat. Breads, pastas, sugars, and any processed foods are the culprits in all the degenerative diseases of society today.

    I recommend people read Primal Body – Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas and visit the Weston A Price Foundation website at http://www.westonaprice.org for more information.

  14. Dr Chris Pellow Says:

    I came across this post on twitter and I do agree with the power of the raw diet it does wonders for the body and I mostly eat raw but I also side with what “David Lee July 27th, 2010 at 9:16 pm” posted. Being a Doctor of D.C. I have seen and witnessed hundreds of studies that link commercial meats with cancer and heart disease. When grain is fed to animals that were created to eat grass, it changes the fatty-acid ratios an denatures good fats in the meat. Its not the meat it what man has done to it. Not specifically promoting my website but I wrote a article on this very topic. http://www.doctorpellow.com/its-not-the-meat/

  15. Dean Says:

    I think another point is that if you go way way back in time,the human lifespan was considerably shorter than it is now.Now we have people that expect to live much longer and our bodies haven’t evolved to be as capable of sustaining health for that amount of time,so weed need to help ourselves buy modifying our diet.
    In the short term when we are younger we can stuff ourselves with all sorts of crap and nothing will happen….but later!!
    Veggies need to make sure they get their nutrition and b vitamins especially in the long term.
    I am vegetarian almost vegan but worry about health and am finding it hard to give up all diary for the sake of nutrition and feel uncomfotable to be dependent on fortified food and tablets.But then again especially as we get older we often become dependent on medical advances and outside help to stay healthy anyway so maybe it’s no big deal.

  16. Willie Patterson Says:

    If by “pussies” he means lions and tigers, then yes. To me, a mountain lion tearing the flesh off of the back of a squealing deer as he crunches its bones with his razor-sharp fangs is pretty much the complete opposite of “pussy.” On the other hand, a tiny white rabbit chomping on weeds and looking spastically left and right to prevent a fox from sneaking up on him, karate-punching him in the liver, and turning him into a succulent hors d’Å“uvre is more the definition of “pussy.”

  17. passingthrough Says:

    Dean, et.al.,

    You may find the book The China Study interesting, especially concerning dairy.

    To your health!

  18. dallen Says:

    Why would that be offensive to women? Do you refer to yourself that way?

  19. Will Says:


    If you go by that logic then you wouldn’t eat at all,you’d starve.
    Plants are living things too.

    Think about that next time you’re eating your salad.

  20. Aaron Says:

    @Sarah Apple

    How can that be offensive to women?
    They’re two different words.
    One is a sexual slang word used to describe female genitalia and the other is a derogatory slang word that means roughly the same thing as “wimp”.
    John Joseph is using the latter for his book title and I don’t understand how you failed to see that.

    Additionally, even if he were using the female genitalia version of the word, what would you have to be offended about?
    Both “cock” and “pussy” are just slang sexual words for human genitalia and they both belong to the porn industry more than anything else.
    By being offended by the use of that word, you’re claiming some association with that word.
    Why would you want to do that?
    Are you bored or something?