Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter Greener Living Tips

Global Green USA's 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party

Race car driver Leilani Munter spoke to pressdog.com on her top three tips to live a greener life.

Leilani’s one of those environmentalists that knows you can’t have a green planet covered with red meat, so she cites reducing your animal protein consumption as a way to improve the planet.

“Cut back on your meat intake. Grazing animals produce methane which is 21 times more heat trapping than CO2. In fact, a UN study found that 40 percent more global warming emissions come from raising animals we eat than all the world’s cars, SUVs, planes, trains, ships and all other forms of transportation. If you need another reason to cut back on meat, how about world hunger?”

“If Americans alone reduced their meat consumption by just 10%, it would free up enough land to grow 12 million tons of grain – enough to save the six million children under the age of 5 that die every year as a result of hunger. One acre of land can produce 165 pounds of beef OR 20,000 pounds of potatoes. And it takes 23 gallons of water to produce a pound of tomatoes. By comparison, it takes 5,214 gallons of water to produce just one pound of beef. Meat is super wasteful. I know not everyone reading this is going to become vegetarian, but just cutting back on your meat intake can make a big difference. Maybe just give up meat for one day each week. Small steps multiplied by many can make a big difference.”

“P.S. It’s also a great way to lose weight!”

It helps to stop using plastic bags.

“We throw away between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags every year worldwide and only 1% of them are being recycled.”

Here’s another “bright” idea:

“Change your light bulbs for energy efficient bulbs and unplug your electronics when you are not using them. Cost estimates for wasted electricity ranges from $1 billion – $3.5 billion per year.”

Leilani adds a bonus:

“Can I say four instead of 3? Thanks. Recycle! It’s super easy to do and there’s no excuse to not do it.”

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2 Responses to “Leilani Munter Greener Living Tips”

  1. The Green Quote: Race Car Driver Leilani Munter Offers Green Tips « ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] vegetarianstar.com No […]

  2. JL Says:

    The statistics of the extent of damage livestock has on global warming is quite alarming. Seeing those statistics really makes me want to reduce my carbon footprint. I have recently started working for the Meatless Monday Campaign (www.meatlessmonday.com) which is a great resource for meatless ideas. There are a number of great recipes on the website as well as some great resources for ways to eat less meat. Going meatless doesn’t only reduce your carbon footprint but it can be beneficial to your budget and figure as well.