Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Fish Taco Sins Revealed

Jason Mraz Performs On NBC's "Today"

So back when Jason Mraz called himself a vegan fishitarian, we wondered if Jason really did sneak some occasional fish or was attempting another one of his sarcastic remarks.

We feared the worst, and it’s true. According to sfgate.com, Jason remains vegan for most of the time, but gives in to flipper ever now and then.

Q: Do you ever give into temptation and microwave a convenience store bacon cheeseburger?

A: No, I never give in. Only when I’m home in San Diego. That’s when you might find me pulling in for a fish taco.

Ah, the disappointment!

Jason’s diet for the other 99% of the time is convenient as it saves him the hassle of prep time on the road.

“My food is mostly raw vegan. You don’t have to cook too much when you’re in that world. So I might steam some quinoa, and then everything else is just fresh produce. Otherwise you’re eating truck-stop food, which is no bueno.”

Jason Mraz and the fish taco. Russell Simmons and his occasional egg noodles. Are there any good 100% real vegan men standing?

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3 Responses to “Jason Mraz Fish Taco Sins Revealed”

  1. Viv Says:

    Fish tacos? That’s what he gives into? Yuck!

    That got me thinking though. I once had eggplant tacos and the texture kind of reminded me of a fillet fish. With a little artificial seasoning here and there I bet it can be replicated.

  2. Jason Mraz 2010 Goal–Buy Local, Organic, Natural Foods Says:

    […] a raw vegan who then claimed to have some occasional hot soup and (possibly) joking about eating a fish taco now and […]

  3. Maggy Says:

    You guys are lucky you have so much stuff to choose from — i`d be more than a vegetarian if we had some decent affordable vegan cheese and soy milk here.

    Fish tacos wouldnt be my first choice either- but he`s only human too. He does a lot to promote a healthier lifestyle so people should be more relaxed about it.