Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachel Zoe QVC Line Gets Faux Real

Rachel Zoe QVC Line Gets Faux Real

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 2nd, 2009 in Fashion, Fur, Fur Real Or Fur Fake.

Rachel Zoe Faux Fur Vest

Rachel Zoe Faux Fur Vest

Although her assistant still thinks vegan shoes are made from mashed potatoes and cauliflower, Rachel Zoe at least knows fur vests should be made from synthetic material and not animal hide.

That’s why she’s designed these especially made for QVC faux fur vests.

These debuted at New York Fashion Week last month, and sell for under $130, featuring a wing collar and six hidden hook and eye closures.

You can view Rachel’s other faux fur designs at QVC.com.

Be sure to catch Rachel on QVC on Saturday, October 10 at 1PM ET for the Accessorizing With Rachel Zoe segment.

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One Response to “Rachel Zoe QVC Line Gets Faux Real”

  1. LAX Says:

    It’s pretty, but I think they’re made in China and with fur laws (or lack of) there, I’d almost be scared there were real elements in it.

    But hopefully, she’s got tight quality controls with the factory there and everything’s straight, including good conditions for the workers.