Quantcast Vegetarian StarMike Gordon Gets Served (At Green Elephant Vegetarian Bistro)

Vegoose Music Festival - Day Two

No your favorite Phish bass player didn’t get arrested, he just had some vegetarian dinner in Portland, Maine recently.

The Green Elephant Vegetarian Bistro couldn’t wait to post on Facebook that they had the pleasure of serving the musician.

“the green elephant vegetarian bistro Proudly served Mike Gordon of Phish this evening!!!”

We’re sure they wouldn’t mind serving you too if you walked in and ordered something.

For lunch, we suggest the Soy Meat and Herb Salad or Tofu Tikka Masala.

If you’re still not full, stick around for the dinner menu and try the Vegan King Oyster Mushroom Tempura or the Veggie Tuna Salad.

Want something to take home?

The Veggie Citrus Spare Ribs sound great for late night munching or the morning after.

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