Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Vegan Monologues” Ben Shaberman Worth Bookmarking

“The Vegan Monologues” Ben Shaberman Worth Bookmarking

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 1st, 2009 in Authors, Books, Food & Drink.


Eve Ensler‘s male, vegan twin?

Publisher’s Newswire, an online resource for small publishers and first time authors, has just released their list of Books To Bookmark for Q3 2009.

The Vegan Monologues by Ben Shaberman is on the list.

In The Vegan Monologues, Shaberman humorously describes what a meatless life is like, from his explanations on how a vegetarian man wins over a woman to the pitfalls of a vegetarian life, such as sometimes only having the option of the salad bar.

Besides being a self-described Chinese take-out addict, Shaberman holds a Master’s Degree in poetry from Johns Hopkins University and his articles have appeared in well publicized media like the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Vegetarian Times, and VegNews.

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One Response to ““The Vegan Monologues” Ben Shaberman Worth Bookmarking”

  1. Deborah Says:

    I’ve read this book and it is hilarious.

    Plus, he’s witty, good looking Jewish man who’s also vegetarian. Couldn’t ask for much more.