Quantcast Vegetarian StarJenn Brown Shopping Cart: Boca Burgers, Galaxy Cheese

Jenn Brown Shopping Cart: Boca Burgers, Galaxy Cheese

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 30th, 2009 in Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

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Jenn Brown is a television host, personality, and producer who’s credits include the only female correspondent for Inside the NFL, covering boxing and martial arts for Showtime Sports, and the Superbowl.

Jenn has a thing for vegetarian food, but hasn’t made the complete switch yet.

Here’s an example of what you might find in her shopping cart:

Boca Flame Grilled Meatless Burgers

“I don’t eat a lot of red meat, but when I’m in the mood for a burger, I grill one of these soy versions and smear it with a little ketchup and mustard or hummus.”

Galaxy Mozzarella Flavor Rice Shreds

“This soy free cheese melts just like the regular kind but has just 70 calories and 1 gram of saturated fat. I use it on top of beans and homemade pizza.”

A non vegetarian who eats Boca Burgers and dairy alternative cheese?

Oh, Jenn, you’re so close darling. Just take the plunge and go full veg!

via famousveggie.net

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