Quantcast Vegetarian StarAmerican Samoa Tsunami And Global Climate Change

American Samoa Tsunami And Global Climate Change

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 30th, 2009 in Environment-Eco-Green.

Satellite view of Planet Earth

An 8.3-magnitude earthquake struck off American Samoa on Tuesday, which triggered a three-metre tsunami, destroying villages in the Pacific state of Samoa.

Could a few less steaks on everyone’s part help prevent these disasters?

Some scientists believe global warming may contribute to earthquakes and tsunamis.

“Climate change doesn’t just affect the atmosphere and the oceans but the earth’s crust as well. The whole earth is an interactive system,” Professor Bill McGuire of University College London told Reuters.

McGuire used climate change from the end of the last ice age as an example.

“When the ice is lost, the earth’s crust bounces back up again and that triggers earthquakes, which trigger submarine landslides, which cause tsunamis,” he said.

The raising of livestock and production of animal foods such as dairy contribute more greenhouse emissions than transportation.

The old saying is an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Could less beef and cheese on everyone’s part be the panacea for future tsunamis?

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2 Responses to “American Samoa Tsunami And Global Climate Change”

  1. Shiloh parent Says:

    Just a little confused here, how the heck does eating a steak contribute to global warming? I mean other than raising cows and such yes, but a bit of reality here, the meat companies won’t stop producing meat if you don’t buy it they’ll just raise the price of it and make it impossible for poor people to eat properly then they’d starve, i respect your life choices and all but don’t push it onto other people by guiting them into it, and just a little insight, those vegitables you eat all the time along with fruits are also contributing to global warming, why make it so one sided? Your at just as much fault as anyone else.
    – Shiloh

  2. Cow Farter Says:

    The UN has released a study showing cows on beef farms emit the majority of greenhouse gases. Through manure they produce and belching, they give off methane, which is a major greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.